Major landforms of South America

In this tipoc we will learn about the major Landforms of South America, were they are located and their characteristics.

Major landforms of South America:

Amazon Basin: It is cover by the largest rain forest in the world, and running through its heart is the Amazon River.

Andes: It extends from the tip of South America all the way to Panamá. It has some of the planet’s largest volcanoes. The highest point is Aconcagua in Argentina.

Atacama Desert: Is a cold place and rainfall is very rare. The landscape is totally barren and covered with small borax lakes, lava flow remains and saline deposits.

Brazilian Highlands: This magnificent landscape includes varied mountain ranges, namely the Serra de Mantiquiera, Serra do Paranapiataba, Serra Geral, and Serra do Mar. The highest pint is Pao de Asucar.

Guiana Highlands: It consists of a vast plateau. It´s famed for the highest waterfall in the world (Angel Falls).

Llanos: This large and very fertile plain, located in eastern and central Colombia is drained by the Orinoco River.

Pampas: It is famed for its many cattle ranches. The most important landforms is the Uruguay River.

Patagonia: Located between the Andes and the Atlantic Ocean. It´s mostly rugged, barren land, famed for its beauty and striking scenery.


Bustos, J. (2011), Study Guide. Costa Rica, Cartago: Sistema Educativo Saint Clare.