Major landforms of America Central and the Caribbean

In this topic, we will learn about the major landforms of Amercia Central and the Caribbean. How they are composed.

Major landforms of America Central and the Caribbean:

Cordillera Central: It is composed by a lot of layers of volcanic structures. The volcanoes look like mountains; this is because they are not conic-shaped. It borders the Central Valley.

Cordillera de Talamanca: It is the most complex and highest mountain range. It extends from the south of San José to Panamá. Some of the highest summits of Central America are found here, including our highest summit, Cerro Chirripó.

Cordillera Isabelia: Cordillera Isabelia or Cordillera Isabella is the northern portion of the central mountain range in Nicaragua, which runs from north-west to south-east through the center of the country. Isabelia reaches an elevation of more than 2100 m, its highest point is Pico Mogoton, on the border with Honduras, at 2107 m; and continues through to the Cordillera Chontaleña. Many of the mountains are forested, with deep valleys between.

Sierra de Bahoruco:  Is situated in the Bahoruco Province in the far southwestern corner of the Dominican Republic. It is noted for the blue colored concretions called larimar which formed in the volcanic vesicles.

Serranía deTabasara: The western half of Panama is dominated by a single mountain range known as the Serranía de Tabasará. More than 6,500 feet (1,980 meters) high near the Costa Rican border; it descends to less than 1,000 feet (300 meters) in the vicinity of the Panama Canal. The range is crested by several volcanoes, the highest being Barú (formerly known as Chiriquí).

Sierra Maestra: The Sierra Maestra is Cuba's largest mountain range, and a symbolic point of reference for the Cuban nation. A spectacular showcase of flora and fauna, and a great diversity of unusually colorful birdlife, is encountered in here.


Bustos, J. (2011), Study Guide. Costa Rica, Cartago: Sistema Educativo Saint Clare.