In this page we are going to talk about America, their politicals divisions and their differents concepts of America. we know a little more of America.
Generalities of the Americas:
History of the name Americas: Amerigo Vespucci was the first person who realized that the spenards didn’t arrive to Asia.
In this page we are going to talk about America, their politicals divisions and their differents concepts of America. we know a little more of America.
Generalities of the Americas:
History of the name Americas: Amerigo Vespucci was the first person who realized that the spenards didn’t arrive to Asia.
Political division: North America: Canada; Ottawa, United States; Washington D.C and Mexico; Mexico D.F
Political division: South América: Colombia; Bogotá, Ecuador; quto , Perú; lima, Bolivia; la paz, Chile; Santiago, Argentina; buenos aires, Uruguay; Montevideo, Paraguay; asuncion, Brazil; brasilla, Surinam; Paramaribo, Guayana; Georgetown and Venezuela; caracas.
Political division: América Central: Belize; belmopan, Guatemala; Guatemala, Honduras; Tegucigalpa, San Salvador; El salvador, Nicaragua; managua, Costa Rica; san José and Panama; panamá.
Political division: Caribbean America: Cuba; Havana, The Bahamas; Nassau, Jamaica; Kingston, Haiti; port-au-price, Dominican Republic; Santo Domingo, Antigua and Barbara; st. johns, Dominica; Roseau, Barbados; bridge-town, Trinidad and tubago; port-of-Spain, Grenada; st. George’s, St Vincent and the Grenadiers; Kingstown, St Lucia; Castries and St Christopher; basete.
Difference between America Central and Central America: Central America, they were the five countries that belonged to the capitania general of Guatemala and America central, are the 7 countries of the Central America isthmus.
Anglo America: language: English and French
Anglo America: religion: protestants
Anglo America: economy: richer
Latin America: language: Spanish and Portuguese
Latin America: religion: Catholics
Latin America: economy: poorer
Bustos, J. (2011). Study Guide. Costa Rica, Cartago: Sistema Educativo Saint Clare.