Generalities of the Americas


In this page we are going to talk about America, their politicals divisions and their differents concepts of America. we know a little more of America. 

Generalities of the Americas:

History of the name Americas: Amerigo Vespucci was the first person who realized that the spenards didn’t arrive to Asia.

Political division: North America: Canada; Ottawa, United States; Washington D.C and Mexico; Mexico D.F

Political division: South América: Colombia; Bogotá, Ecuador; quto , Perú; lima, Bolivia; la paz, Chile; Santiago, Argentina; buenos aires, Uruguay; Montevideo, Paraguay; asuncion, Brazil; brasilla, Surinam; Paramaribo, Guayana; Georgetown and Venezuela; caracas.

Political division: América Central: Belize; belmopan, Guatemala; Guatemala, Honduras; Tegucigalpa, San Salvador; El salvador, Nicaragua; managua, Costa Rica; san José and Panama; panamá.

Political division: Caribbean America: Cuba; Havana, The Bahamas; Nassau, Jamaica; Kingston, Haiti; port-au-price, Dominican Republic; Santo Domingo, Antigua and Barbara; st. johns, Dominica; Roseau, Barbados; bridge-town, Trinidad and tubago; port-of-Spain, Grenada; st. George’s, St Vincent and the Grenadiers; Kingstown, St Lucia; Castries and St Christopher; basete.

Difference between America Central and Central America: Central America, they were the five countries that belonged to the capitania general of Guatemala and America central, are the 7 countries of the Central America isthmus.

Anglo America: language: English and French

Anglo America: religion: protestants

Anglo America: economy: richer

Latin America: language: Spanish and Portuguese

Latin America: religion: Catholics

Latin America: economy: poorer



Bustos, J. (2011). Study Guide. Costa Rica, Cartago: Sistema Educativo Saint Clare.